Meta Launches Threads

A Viable Competitor to Twitter Amidst Technical Woes

Exciting news to share with you all: Meta is on the verge of launching Threads, its Instagram-based response to Twitter. Interestingly, Twitter is currently grappling with severe technical issues, causing limitations in tweet visibility and rendering the platform as broken as ever under Elon Musk's leadership.

Unlike Bluesky, which had to halt sign-ups due to an influx of new users following the Twitter meltdown, Threads won't operate in the same manner, as it benefits from Meta's backing. While not many are cheering for Meta, an unquestionable megacorporation with a track record of questionable tech practices, Threads is likely to become the most viable Twitter competitor almost instantly. Furthermore, it offers the advantage of migrating some of your Instagram followers.

Threads is set to launch on Thursday, July 6. You can already "acquire" Threads from the iOS App Store, although finding it on Instagram can be a bit tricky.

One option is to enter "threads" in the Instagram search box, or for reasons unbeknownst to me, try "p92". When the results appear, you'll see a small red ticket with "admit one". Click on it to view the invitation.

While this method has worked for some users, there's a simpler alternative. Instagram has included Threads in the menu accessed by clicking your profile and then the three lines. It should be near the top, providing you with your "ticket". The launch time may not be the same for everyone, but mine indicates 10 AM ET. Some users report that none of this is appearing yet, and additional stipulations remain unclear.

There's also a QR code that will take you to the App Store to download the app. It will display your profile name, allowing you to retain your existing Instagram name for Threads (although it's uncertain if it can be changed). Whether a specific invite is required upon launch is also unclear, but if so, I speculate that you'll need to input the number linked to your name.

Again, while support for Meta isn't widespread, Twitter under Musk's leadership has become borderline unusable, slightly salvaged by subscribing to paid Twitter Blue. If there ever was a moment for a competitor to emerge, it's now with Threads. Other alternatives are unlikely to gain significant traction or transcend niche status. The same may apply to Threads, but it's worth giving it a try if you're yearning for a functional Twitter experience.

As a journalist and influencer , I am personally eager to test Threads and see how it stacks up against the currently problematic Twitter. Despite acknowledging the criticisms surrounding Meta, having viable alternatives and fostering healthy competition in the tech world is crucial. This enables us to encourage innovation and ensure users have suitable choices tailored to their needs.

I'm excited to delve into Threads and witness its differentiation from the troubled Twitter landscape. While we can't ignore the downsides associated with Meta, it's encouraging to have a viable alternative to explore. Let's await the launch and see if Threads lives up to our expectations.

Fernanda Paula Andrade

Fernanda Andrade

Journalist and Founder Avesso Magazine


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